11 Best Free Cloud Storage Services For Backups

  In simple terms, cloud storage or online storage can be interpreted as a place to store files in the cloud (online). Generally files stored in cloud storage are video files, images, documents, music and several other file types.

However, not all cloud storage services (online storage) serve storage of all types of files, there are some cloud storage services that only serve storage of certain types of files such as image or music files.

There are many benefits when you use cloud storage services as a place to store files. One of the main reasons many users use cloud storage is as a safe place to back up important files. 

The consideration is that if you store on a hard drive, external hard drive or flash drive, the capacity of the drive will be full quickly, also to anticipate when the drive is damaged, stolen or burned.

Another reason to use cloud storage services is that maybe you want to stream music anywhere easily, you might want to share family vacation videos right then and there with other relatives or friends, 

You may want to access work files from home or maybe you want to store important files while on the go. This can be done when you use cloud storage.

Most people will think that cloud storage services are not free and expensive. True, for premium cloud storage services with a larger storage space capacity, however, there really are free cloud storage services even without a bundle. 

Most of these free cloud storage services are provided by premium cloud storage services and you can upgrade to their premium services at any time.

Although the storage space for free cloud storage is limited, for most people it is considered sufficient. Here is a brief description of some of the (11) best free cloud storage services to try:

1. Google Drive.

Almost everyone who has qualified when it is not appropriate to say all, already has a Google account. If you don't already have one, you can create a Google account and you'll get 15 GB of free free storage space from your Google Drive cloud storage.

 Although this free storage space is used for other Google services such as Gmail and Google Photos, it can still be said to be a great relief.


2. OneDrive.

OneDrive is a cloud storage service from Microsoft formerly known as SkyDrive. In addition to Google accounts, Microsoft accounts are the second most created. When you create a Microsoft account, you will get 5 GB of free free storage space from the OneDrive cloud storage.

 Although not as big as Google Drive cloud storage, it can be said to be enough for the size of free cloud storage.

3. Yandex Disk.

Yandex is a popular Russian company with a search engine (search engine) and Yandex email. But Yandex also offers a cloud storage service, Yandex Disk. When you create an account Yandex,

 You will get 10 GB of free free storage space from Yandex Disk cloud storage. In addition, you also have free access to Microsoft Office Online Without the need to install it.

4. DropBox.

DropBox is a cloud storage service operated by the American company DropBox.Inc. When you create a DropBox account, you will get 2 GB of free free storage space from the DropBox cloud storage.

 You can also use the easy way to get more storage space up to 1 GB. Like Yandex, DropBox also offers free access to Microsoft Office Online.

5. MEGA.

Still want to find a free cloud storage service if you already have a MEGA account? Not without reason, you can get 50 GB of free storage space from this MEGA storage cloud.

 From its history, MEGA itself is built from its predecessor, the very famous Megaupload file sharing service where you can upload to (upload) and download from (download) its servers. Megaupload was shut down in 2012.

6. MediaFire.

MediaFire is a file sharing and file storage service that will give you 10 GB of free free storage space from MediaFire cloud storage.

You also get the opportunity to increase storage space to 50 GB or more through programs such as friend referral or application download. MediaFire does not provide bandwidth limits for uploading (upload) or downloading (download).


7. pCloud.

pCloud is a secure cloud storage service with an easy-to-use interface. pCloud offers 10 GB of free free storage space from pCloud cloud storage.

 It is still possible to earn up to 20 GB of storage space through the friend referral program and bonuses. pCloud does not limit the speed and size of uploaded or downloaded files.


8. FlipDrive.

FlipDrive is a secure cloud storage service for storing, accessing, sharing and backing up your files.

FlipDrive offers 10 GB of free free storage space and you can earn even more with this friend referral program that uses FlipDrive services. FlipDrive can be used to store various types of files that you have.


9. Box.

The name is quite short, Box (formerly Box.net) is a cloud storage service for storing your various file types. When you Create (sign up) a Box account, you get 10 GB of free free storage space from cloud storage Box.

Box comes with enterprise-level security so you have full control over your files and access. Links to sections of the document are also password protected.


10. Degoo.

Maybe Degoo is the only cloud storage service that dares to provide free free storage space of 100 GB for anyone who signs up for a Degoo account. If the size of the storage space is still less,

 You can join the friend referral program to get an additional 5 GB for each referred theme. Your saved files are encrypted with a passphrase known only to you, not stored anywhere on Degoo.


11. Sync.

Sync is a free cloud storage and file sharing service. When you create a Sync account, you will get 5 GB of free free storage space and this will never expire.

With Sync, saving, sharing and accessing files can be done quite easily from anywhere. Sync also protects your files with end-to-end encryption to ensure that your files are safe.

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